Research on ERM
Research on ERM Coaching demonstrates long-lasting resolution of a wide variety of client issues, with clients reporting enhanced professional achievement and greater personal well-being.
ERM Coaching allows you to focus on the issues you choose and gain:
- A new perspective
- A sense of resolution
- Greater emotional ease
- Increased motivation
- A sense of empowerment
Ongoing : ERM Coaching is the selected coaching intervention in a 4-yr, US government-funded research study entitled “Data-Driven Approaches to Healthcare Provider Resilience and Burnout,” which began recruitment in November 2021. This study includes both group and individual ERM coaching.
With its extensive investigation into the psychophysiological effects of the ERM Coaching intervention, this study is positioned to make a significant contribution to coaching outcomes research. Parameters being measured include serum biomarkers of stress, immune function, brain fMRI and EEG testing, HRV (heart rate variability) and GSR, as well as survey data on burnout and resilience, collected over a 24-month period.
2009 to 2020: Survey data—Self-report data has been systematically collected since 2009 on client survey reports on the results from their individual ERM coaching sessions. This data set documents a high satisfaction rating for achievement of the clients’ stated goals and expectations, with sustained results demonstrated at 6-month follow-up. (See Appendix A below.)
Appendix A: Research on ERM Coaching Outcomes, 2009-2020
I. Same Day Assessment
Same Day Assessment

Summary of Results of Coaching Sessions : 75%-85% of ERM Coaching clients who responded indicated “Agree” or “Strongly Agree” to the results listed in the table above, including a sense of resolution, a new perspective, an ‘aha’ experience, a sense of empowerment, emotional ease or comfort, a positive feeling or inspired or motivated.
II. Data on “Changes Continuing Over Time”
Changes Continuing Over Time

Summary : ERM Coaching clients report that the positive changes they experienced were largely sustained as indicated by the 6-month follow-up survey data above.